Thursday, October 21, 2010

Accomplishments and Credibility

It is fair to say that a society's success, credibility, and overall status in the world can be measured my its accomplishments. Right now I want you to decide if you agree or disagree and remember that for now.

It is then fair to say that a community's credibility and over all status is based on its contributions to the success of the society. Again I would like you to decide if you agree or disagree.

The fallowing is a list of contributions the scientific community had made to our global society.

Modern Medicine
Modern Weaponry
Clean Water
Food Abundance
Space Travel

These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head and most of these can be branched off into smaller sub-category's and almost all of them are used every day by everyday people with the only exception arguably being space travel.

Now the challenge I make to you is list the contributions the religious community, any religion at all, has made. This does not include scientists who just happen to have a religion. I mean what has your sacred texts and your bronze age beliefs contributed to the success of the global society? What contributions have they made to earn them social credibility or a positive social status?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hes bullying me!

Recently with the suicide of Tyler Clementi I've seen a lot of anti-bullying activity in the media. As for this gentleman suicide specifically I only want to touch on it a little bit. From my understanding this was not a hate crime, this was the equivalent of "HAHA hes fucking a fat chick" but instead he was with a man. Please correct me if I'm wrong but if you try to do so please link me to the news article or whatnot proving these gentlemen did it because they hated gays.

I don't have an issue with gays, I really couldn't care any less about what 2 or more consenting adults do behind closed doors. Hell, I love lesbians, its just too bad they don't love me back. But this man should not have been made a marter for gay rights activists. This was simply a kid who couldn't handle shit witch brings me to the point of this post.

Bullies are not the problem! Most of my young life I was that weird kid in the class no one wanted to talk to or hang out with and was generally bullied often (big shocker right). It was not the actual bullying that was the problem, it was the feeling of helplessness. Wile taking all of the appropriate avenues like teachers, principals, parents, all that. I could not get the problem to stop. I was always told by my mother and father "don't start the fight but you better finish it" well I'm officially telling them both as of this blog they were fucking wrong.

These bullies become protected by the school system by punishing the "Victim" for any acts of retaliation or self defense and sternly talking to the bullies don't stop them. These kids think they are untouchable because normally no real action is ever taken. I say it become acceptable for a kid to beat another kid for shit talking. Even if he loses he has illustrated that he is going to stand up for himself which is a great quality for any person to have as an adult. Maybe not always physically but that option should not always be overlooked so quickly. And this trait is recognized by bullies. The fact that the other kid has displayed that he is willing to hurt the other kid is enough in many cases, Then in other cases the kid might actually have to win against the bully but at least hes taken the first step to getting people to back the fuck off.

As for kids who commit suicide for any reason what so ever, here is a nifty chart I made all by myself in Google Docs
The information for this chart came from the National Institute of Mental Health web page and reflects the suicide rates in the USA per 100,000 of children and young adults in 2007. This number Doesn't even break 14 per 100,000 making it a social abnormality. People don't normally resort to this its not a national crisis as the media would have you believe. I am not counting attempted suicide for a very important reason and another one of my points. We have given so much attention to anyone who kills them self that some (not all) people both young and old have used it as a cry for help and it is hard to distinguish how many of these people actually desired death.

Don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. It is absolutely sad when a person resorts to this but this act only take into consideration the feeling and well being of the "victim" in the vast majority of cases an in ALL cases it is extremely short sighted and no one should attempt it. 

We should not raise these people up for a selfish act, or turn other kids into criminals when it's generally the school systems lack of effective action and societal negativity towards violence that allows bullying to take place. Instead they should be made to be what they really are, an abnormality that should be shown sorrow for their poor and unintelligent choice.

And all you fuckers who think simply talking and listening is enough to save people and help the dramatically. You are in reality doing nothing to solve the issue at hand. This is just a small gesture that allows you to feel as though you did something, and you know what maybe sometimes it helps the person feel better. But its not gonna stop a bully, its not gonna solve someone financial issues, and its not gonna save someone relationship with their significant other. Action is what will help people and save lives. Help a classmate take down a bully, Buy the poor schmuck lunch every now an again to help him save cash, and help your friends find a decent marriage counselor.

I'm off my soap box for tonight.