Friday, October 2, 2009

Exercise Exercise Exercise

Ok so with recent events going on I've chosen to share some military life with you. This is gonna be a LOT of info at once so try to keep up.

We have things called Operational Readiness Exercise (ORE or Exercise for short) and Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI). the difference is one is practice and the other is well... an inspection. Both of them involve us pretending the base is under attack for about a week and seeing how well the base responds to that. We pretend to deploy people out and then we pretend that we are actually under attack. That second part involves 12 hour shifts and 2-4 hours at a time in a gas mask and chem suit.. Recently the Air Force put out a new rule saying we can have No Notice ORIs. that rule was effective yesterday. Still fallowing along?

Well yesterday the higher ups get a phone call saying the the Exercise we had scheduled for next week has just became an ORI so every one of the higher up instantaneously and simultaneously shat themselves, and well shit rolls down hill. So in preparation of next week we are working through the weekend on 12 hour shifts until its over. It could be over as early as Wednesday or as late as next Monday. The silver lining is that we are being told we will only be doing the first part, not the second part that involves chem suits. If that happens then this whole ordeal will end around Wednesday. But this could be changes real easily if ONE person make a big enough mistake, in witch case this ordeal turns into a shit storm and could last as long as next Monday

... oh yeah and within the last 12 hours this base has proven to me it has no idea what its doing... so this is gonna be fun week... ugg...

1 comment:

  1. Well you're blogging about it so it's not all that bad lol.
