Thursday, October 21, 2010

Accomplishments and Credibility

It is fair to say that a society's success, credibility, and overall status in the world can be measured my its accomplishments. Right now I want you to decide if you agree or disagree and remember that for now.

It is then fair to say that a community's credibility and over all status is based on its contributions to the success of the society. Again I would like you to decide if you agree or disagree.

The fallowing is a list of contributions the scientific community had made to our global society.

Modern Medicine
Modern Weaponry
Clean Water
Food Abundance
Space Travel

These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head and most of these can be branched off into smaller sub-category's and almost all of them are used every day by everyday people with the only exception arguably being space travel.

Now the challenge I make to you is list the contributions the religious community, any religion at all, has made. This does not include scientists who just happen to have a religion. I mean what has your sacred texts and your bronze age beliefs contributed to the success of the global society? What contributions have they made to earn them social credibility or a positive social status?



  2. None.
    haha I'm kidding. I'm bias towards religion, though. I try not to be, but I grew up around a few fundamentalists, so now that I'm not forced to deal with it, I'm pretty vocal about my opinions. It's mostly organized religion that bothers me. I have no problem with people being spiritual or praying or doing whatever the hell they want, but when a religion begins to resemble a cult and it's full of judgmental morons, I get pissed off.
    Anyway lol, I'm sure they have made a couple of good contributions. I can't think of any because I'm not a religious scholar. Either that, or the bad contributions overshadow the good ones.
